Tintaglia Admin replied

584 weeks ago

So what day and times are you available for T5?

Arloste replied

584 weeks ago

Anytime this week

Next week, school starts.. so any time that isn't these:
M/W: 1-5:30
T/Th: 5:45-7:45

Blaze replied

584 weeks ago

Got a few kills from my main group recorded with different PoV's


SMN : http://youtu.be/q4j5OIKwAh8


This one was made by one of our FC's other groups, detailed breakdown of the fight with some silly pictures to go along with it : Tank POV:
Enjoy our ridiculous banter.

Tintaglia Admin replied

584 weeks ago

ooo nice, thanks

Aurifort Default replied

583 weeks ago

MW: anytime at/after 9EST
T: All day
Th/Fri: after 6:30 EST
Weekends: Typically free.

Tintaglia Admin replied

583 weeks ago

Well I'm up for trying it out this weekend. Just need to hear from everyone else

Tintaglia Admin replied

583 weeks ago

K, I checked with some so far so we're going to shoot for T5 on Saturday at 6pm EST. Let me know if you can't make it. I'll try to msg you guys who have a guildwork account to confirm if i don't see you in FFXIV.

Nightfyre replied

583 weeks ago

Monday: after 10PM
Tuesday/Wednesday: after 9PM
Thursday: after 10-10:30 PM
Fri-Sat: varies, usually good for 9:30 or 10PM, definitely free after 11
Sun: after 10PM

Tintaglia Admin replied

583 weeks ago

All times I mention are EST.

How do Fridays at 9:30 PM EST sound to people for T5? Give or take a couple minutes here or there because I take a while to get home depending on if a bus is running or not. We can also see about doing T5 attempts after the usual run on Monday night, or even Wednesdays.

Also would people be ok with upping Coil to Monday at 10pm? Otherwise we may just need to start doing Coil on Wednesday around 9pm in order to make sure we can have the full party. I would say Tuesday nights, but I think Reyn has to go to sleep earlier on that night, and I can't remember what days/times Teva's main Static runs coil.

By the way, Welcome Nightfyre… whose FFXIV name I don't remember atm, but he's our new War tank.

Nightfyre replied

583 weeks ago

9:30 on Friday should be fine for me and 10 on Monday works great.

Updated my username, Nightfyre is an old handle.
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